The National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement co-sponsored the Engaged Scholar Speaker Series, in which renowned speakers addressed issues related to the theory and practice of outreach and engagement, with a particular focus on community-based participatory research.
The archived sessions are available as webstreamed video.
Upcoming Presentations
Carl Amrhein, MCIP, RPP
Moving from International Engagement to Global Engagement in a Public University
(September 14, 2015)
Archived Presentations
Robert Sternberg, Ph.D.
World View Lecture Series
(November 16, 2011)
Lily Asquith, Ph.D.
ATLAS: The Greatest Show on Earth
(October 12, 2011)
David Cooper, Ph.D.
Issues of 'Engaged Scholarship' in South Africa, with particular reference to university-civil society research relationships
(May 5, 2010)
Bill Ivey
Arts and Community in the Age of Obama
(April 7, 2010)
Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
Balancing the Science-Society Relationship
(March 22, 2010)
William S. Davidson II, Ph.D. and Stephen B. Fawcett, Ph.D.
MSU Adolescent Diversion Project and Building Healthy Communities
(November 18, 2009)
- Speaker bios and abstracts
- Video of the discussion (Stephen B. Fawcett)[External Link]
- Video of the discussion (William S. Davidson II)[External Link]
Nancy Franklin, Ed.D. and Timothy V. Franklin, Ph.D.
Engagement Through a Regional Looking Glass
(November 14, 2008)
Dwight E. Giles, Jr., Ph.D.
Forty Years in the Academy: Service-Learning's Pioneers, Programs, and Promise
(April 1, 2008)
S. Anne Becker, Ph.D.
Designing for Older Adult Users of Web, Mobile, and Handheld Technologies
(November 8, 2007)
Paul Spicer, Ph.D.
Community-Based Participatory Research on American Indian and Alaska Native Health
(April 19, 2007)
Kelly Ward, Ph.D. and Tami Moore, Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty at Work as Teachers, Scholars and Community Members: The Practice of Engaged Scholarship
(March 20, 2007)
- Speaker bio and abstract
- Video of the Ward morning presentation[External Link]
- Video of the Ward afternoon presentation [External Link]
Jeff Grabill, Ph.D.
Information Technology and Community-Based User Research
(November 14, 2006)
Sarena Seifer, M.D.
Achieving the Promise of Authentic Community-Academic Partnerships: Taking our Work to the Next Level
(September 19, 2006)
- Speaker bio and abstract
- Video of 9am presentation[External Link]
- Video of 11am presentation[External Link]
- Video of 5pm presentation[External Link]
Julie Ellison, Ph.D.
Between Hope and Critique
(April 27, 2006)
Theodore R. Alter, Ph.D. and Scott J. Peters, Ph.D.
Changing the Conversation about Higher Education's Public Mission and Work
(April 14, 2006)
Patricia Brantingham, Ph.D. and Paul Brantingham, Ph.D.
Crime in the Urban Environment: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice
(March 23, 2005)