Transformations in Higher Education:
The Scholarship of Engagement Book Series
The National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement (NCSUE) partners with the Michigan State University Press to publish the Transformations in Higher Education: The Scholarship of Engagement book series. The series provides a forum for authors whose work better fits monograph or book-length outlets than peer reviewed journal articles.
Volumes in the series examine core aspects of the scholarship of engagement (i.e., studies of the processes, relationships, and impacts of university-community partnerships and collaborations on faculty, academy, students, partners, and communities) and/or engaged scholarship (e.g., community-engaged research, creative activities, teaching and learning, service and practice, or commercialized activities). Topics include, but are not limited to works about: community-based participatory research, participatory action research, civic engagement, service-learning (which is anchored in scholarship), talent development and lifelong learning, pre-college and youth outreach, program evaluation, intervention research, applied developmental science, knowledge mobilization, translational scholarship, broader impacts of research, universities as anchor institutions, innovation acceleration, economic development, creative performances and artistic expressions, community-engaged scholarship in global contexts, etc.
Scholars from all disciplines and fields are invited to submit proposals for consideration. All published volumes undergo three phases peer review, engaging the series co-editors, members of the series’ distinguished international editorial board, and independent senior scholars. The reviews are designed to ensure consistency with the purposes of the series, content quality and coherence, and the likelihood of making a valuable contribution to the literature.
The Transformations in Higher Education series has published several volumes since it launched in 2010. Information about series volumes is available on the MSU Press website. Individuals and groups considering in publishing in the series are invited to download and review the series proposal format guidelines.
MSU Publications
Since 1993, MSU has been actively strengthening outreach and engagement at MSU and fostering a national discussion about what it means for an institution to meet its responsibilities to both the public and the academy through engagement. This page contains links to and descriptions of the reports, forms, guides, articles, proceedings, measurement instruments, posters, and presentations that the University has contributed to this effort.
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